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Blair, a former prostate cancer patient, has a story that embodies resilience, determination, and the power of early detection.

Blair has a family history of cancer on both sides, so his doctor advised him to start regular screenings each year. Starting at age 40, his baseline levels were established, but over the years, they began to rise, leading his urologist, Dr. Leong, to recommend a biopsy.

On June 6th, 2006, a date Blair wryly noted as “666,” he was diagnosed with prostate cancer. At 46, he faced his diagnosis with a blend of disappointment and resolve. After discussing options with Dr. Leung, Blair opted for a prostatectomy in August of the same year. The surgery was successful, and his recovery was quick. A year later, he underwent radiation treatment to target the bed of the prostate, which he handled with the same fortitude.

Blair recalls attending a prostate cancer breakfast 14 years ago, where a speaker shared a poignant story about the importance of open communication and awareness. The speaker regretted not discussing his diagnosis with his son, who was later diagnosed with prostate cancer too late. This reinforced Blair’s commitment to spreading awareness and encouraging early detection. Blair immediately imparted to his son the importance of early screening, emphasizing the hereditary nature of prostate cancer.

Blair began volunteering with the Prostate Cancer Centre (PCC) and, this year, became a full-time driver for the MAN VAN®, combining his love for driving with his passion for giving back to the community. Blair finds immense satisfaction in his volunteer work, saying, “You will never get a better feeling than someone coming up to you, shaking your hand, and saying thank you.” This sense of fulfillment drives his continued efforts to support others in their prostate cancer journeys. His son, Devon, age 34, inspired by his father’s journey, also became involved with the MAN VAN®.

Eighteen years after his diagnosis, Blair is still cancer-free and a staunch advocate for early detection. He credits his early screening for allowing him to see his granddaughter grow up, a gift he believes he might not have had otherwise.

As part of this year’s Father’s Day campaign, Blair’s story serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of early detection and the impact of giving back. His journey from a cancer patient to an advocate and volunteer underscores the vital role that awareness and regular screening play in the fight against prostate cancer.

Blair says the efforts have been worthwhile, noting a shift in the questions men ask during his volunteer work. Instead of asking, “What do you guys do?” they now ask, “When is the next clinic? When can I get tested?” His advocacy has made a tangible difference in his community.