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Driving Change for Men’s Health

The MAN VAN® is Canada’s first mobile men’s health clinic offering FREE PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) blood testing used for early detection of prostate cancer.

The clinical team also offers a mental wellness check which assesses depression and suicide risk/symptoms.

Please check individual clinics to see if it is right for you.

A staff member follows up with MAN VAN® patients who score high on their tests to ensure they understand the next steps and have access to the right resources.

The MAN VAN® serves approximately 7,000 men per year and helps to educate men and their families about the importance of staying physically and mentally healthy.

The PCC’s MAN VAN® goes where the men are. Find a MAN VAN® near you. No appointment is needed!

For more information on the MAN VAN® or to learn about booking a MAN VAN® clinic – please Contact Us using the form below.
See individual Clinic Details for more information on testing guidelines.




For more information on the MAN VAN® or to learn about booking a MAN VAN® clinic – please use the following form to contact us. For follow-up inquires, contact Cam Brander: 403-943-8950

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