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We have some fantastic news that we are thrilled to share with you. The Prostate Cancer Centre is officially in the process of expanding! This expansion will enable us to enhance the incredible services we offer to Alberta men and their families.

The new space will house our Pre-habilitation clinic, which will play a crucial role in supporting and preparing individuals for their journey with prostate cancer. We are confident that this addition will provide immense value and care to our patients.

To mark this special occasion, we were truly honored to have Chief Lee Crowchild join us for a ceremonial blessing of the space. It was a deeply meaningful event, and we feel blessed to receive such positive energy and good wishes as we embark on this project.

The construction work has already begun, and our team is diligently working towards completing the expansion by early 2024. We understand that transitions like these can be challenging, and we appreciate your patience during this period. Rest assured, we will do everything possible to minimize any inconvenience to our visitors.

Throughout this journey, we will be keeping you updated on the progress and developments. Your support and involvement are invaluable to us, and we want you to be part of every step.

We cannot express enough gratitude to all of you for being part of our PCC community. Your trust and encouragement inspire us to strive for excellence in all that we do. We are committed to continually improving and enhancing our services to make a positive impact on the lives of those affected by prostate cancer.

Thank you for your unwavering support and belief in our mission. Together, we will continue to make a difference.